Friday, May 31, 2013

Waiting waiting waiting...

Between the time of finding BM and SS and getting into court was only a matter of a month. In that time BM allowed AD to see SS on her time with her and only if she felt like it. I, SM,  of course was told to stay in the car. BM Refused to meet me. She said "its only temporary " and she wanted nothing to do with the "cheap piece ".

On the days AD was allowed to see SS it was never more than an hour. BM would do nothing but argue and fight, beg him to come back, and say horrible things about me. AD being able to see SS o ly happened twice.  One of witch she would not allow AD to hold SS.  She told him "no not until you tell me the truth that you love me not her ". Then some family members showed up and BM bursts into tears saying AD was yelling at her and treating her like crap.

One time BM kept changing the time AD could go see SS.  Well AD and I were looking at a car to buy BM so she could get around. We called BM and told her we would be late because we were buying her a car. She then replied "no, if you warent here by 2 then don't bother at all".  This was the same day she told AD "12 is too early to come I have to get ready for you"...Well ok then, guess she doesn't want a car..

Once BM was served to go to court, she stopped all contact again and refused to talk to AD or for him to see SS.  She told the people she was living with that while she was at work AD could not see SS either....Well we showed up once while BM was working, and the people she lived with (AD'S grandparents) brought SS out to us. This happened twice before court.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


AD stood by a tree, as someone carried out a small bundle of joy...
I wasn't sure what was going on...
Then i saw him...
There he was, in some one's arms,
So much bigger than the pictures taken so many months ago..
Almost a year has passed since this child has seen his daddy...
AD says in a tearful joyous voice "Hey buddy!"..
Right then and there,
The tears flowed like a fast stream river..
That little boy had the biggest smile on his face,
Looked right up into AD's eyes,
Then he REACHED for AD while this little blessing said "da da"..
AD had tears in his eyes and a smile on his face!
It was the most beautiful moment I have ever witnessed!

The Begining

When I first met AD, we were just friends.  He was telling me about his wonderful son, and how hopeless he felt.  He went on to tell me about some of the horrible things BM had done, but he didn't know what to do because he didn't want to loose his son.  Soon after AD moved in with me, as roommates, because he had nowhere else.  Well...That's when it ALL started and hell broke loose!
BM FLIPPED out and would CONSTANTLY call and text AD.  She was calling me every name in the book. She REFUSED to let AD see SS unless he would see her and stay the night with her.  He made it clear that they had been done for a long time and only cared for her because of SS.  Then she went on to say AD abandoned HER...then it went into how he abandoned SS.  She convinced EVERYONE AD knew that he was a horrible father and abandoned BM always has said, "The truth will ALWAYS prevail"...
AD had paid for EVERYTHING since the day he found out she was pregnant.  He supported her and the baby.  She NEVER worked a day in her life!  AD told her that he would continue to pay her bills and EVERYTHING for SS AND buy her a car, until she was on her feet, as long as she didn't move around and let him see SS...Well needless to say that didn't happen...But she still DEMANDED that AD pay ALL bills and EVERYTHING for SS and buy her a car, even though she moved without even letting AD know and REFUSED to tell him where...
She would go onto say "the only way you will see MY son is if you marry me"
She was constantly asking for money...AD sent packages...
Well soon after AD's move in with me, BM took off with SS, across the country I might add...
She then VANISHED for close to a year!!!
AD and I tried EVERYTHING we could to find SS, we contacted everyone we could...NO luck.
During this time AD and I got married and I became a Bonus Mom, officially.  I have been in SS life since he was 2 months old!
Well eventually we got an address and started sending packages...they were refused and sent back.
People would contact AD telling him she needed money.  He said I'll give her as much as I can, I just want to see SS...the reply would be "forget it"
BM then filed for a few different support hearings...she then had them cancelled days before the hearing...
Then one day...AD and I showed up at her new home and surprised her.
She hid and didn't come out, so we sat there for 5 hours!!
FINALLY she came out, said she wanted to talk ALONE with AD and the "cheap piece" had to stay in the car.  After an hour or so, she brought out SS...
After almost a YEAR of NO contact with his daddy, SS, arms open and smiles, went right to AD!!
I was bawling like a baby in the car!!
Soon after we FINALLY were able to file for custody/parenting time and got into court!!